Tuesday, July 20, 2010

my way or the highway!

So Hallie is an independent sort of girl. She knows what she wants, when she wants it, and when it doesn't happen she gets a little attitude...
I can't really remember what it was that she wasn't impressed with here; I think maybe that I'd run out of Rocket candies.
She's also been really funny lately about asking what's going on. She likes to be involved and will ask, "What you talking about?" if she feels like she's not part of the conversation; or "What you mean "insert word here"?" usually preceded by a wrinkled nose and several huh? Huh? HUH's? The other day I was a little exasperated with her and let out a big sigh. She turned to me and says, "Mom, why you say *sighing noise*?" Needless to say my frustration was diffused and all Chris and I could do was laugh!


Paula said...

Those pictures are classic! Love it!

Emily said...

Those are awesome pictures! Wedding video?

merrilykaroly said...

Hahaha! LOVE the face!

Speaking of pictures... how about some pictures of you, Becky? :)

kelsey said...

Hallie is getting so big! Those pictures are priceless, I love her hair--- Norah is constantly putting headbands into her own hair as well, and it always looks great. lol.

Jack/Jane said...

You will undoubtly have the same expression in about 12 years from now while on a family vacation somewhere ! Save the photo - you won't get one then!
Love Mom/Grandma

Travis and Mardi said...

Haha! I think I recognize that face! She really goes all out with the lip.