Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I am not the most organized person around. But some days I feel like I'm living like this:

When I really want to be living like this:

Note all the books in that first picture; that would be Chris and his English major's doing...the rest of course is all me. I don't think I'm a real "hoarder" but I do have a hard time getting rid of things sometimes. I mean really. How many spatulas do I need in my kitchen...I think I have 5. By the end of today I'm determined to only have 1.
Chris and I have decided to live more simply, and considering we're probably going to move 100 times over the next 10 years (maybe not that much, but we do anticipate a few moves) we really want to cut down on all the stuff we don't need/use.
I went to a class by a couple of professional organizers who said that we use 20% of our stuff 80% of the time. I feel like I've been sucked into the consumerist vortex! Let the purging begin!


amysteed said...

i support this. and should do it myself too.

Nikki said...

I wish I was there to collect your junk...I also like it when you blog it makes me smile.

Ashley said...

Oooh! I'm good at purging!! I wish I was there too help you. I'm excited for you that you are simplifying. It feels so good. Good luck!

P.S. Just so you know, Jess didn't let me know that you were here over Christmas and that I was supposed to call you at your parent's house until after the holiday. Yeah, I was quite sad that I missed you. Maybe someday we'll get together again. I miss you!

Rebecca said...

Amy your support will keep me going in the next week, that and a bowl full of candy. :)

Ashley I'm glad to hear that, all this time I was pretty sure you just hated my guts...kidding. It was a busy time for everyone! But we'll be back this summer, and in Ray-town, so you'd better be there! (shakes fist)

Nikki. I wish you were here to collect my junk, and to tell me to get rid of stupid things I've kept. As for the iPad...I'm not that impressed yet. Do I really need a giant iPhone without the phone or camera? I'm just not feelin' it.

Travis and Mardi said...

Oh Becky, my fingers are itching. I long to be turned loose in your room. I love organizing and if I had known there was such a thing as a "professional organizer" I might have looked into it. Not that my house looks like I would have aptitude for that - my three boys foil my best attempts at perfect organization, but that's ok. It looks like children live here and that's the way we like it. I like purging every so often too- I have a load for Value Village in my van as I type. As for the spatulas, I like my different sizes so if you have a little spatula and a big spatula, maybe don't get rid of all but one! If you're looking for a good website, this is a blog I like to look at occasionally. This girl is an apartment dweller, so I've seen some good ideas for organization in a small space. In fact, she's currently working on a makeover to a messy storage space in her place. Check it out.

Jack/Jane said...

Oh I think this is funny with your genetic background! Maybe you should purge the candy bowl first!